
Prof. Maarten Moens

Dept. of Neurosurgery

Dept. of Radiology

University Hospital Brussels

Laarbeeklaan 101

1090 Jette



2002: Medical Doctor with high distinction

2002-2008: Resident Neurosurgery UZ Brussel

2008-2011: Intensive Care UZ Brussel

2005-until now: Pain Clinic UZ Brussel

2010-until now: Neuroangiography UZ Brussel

2008-until now: Neurosurgery UZ Brussel

2013: PhD 

Functional neuroimaging in patients with failed back surgery syndrome treated with spinal cord stimulation: “The investigation of supraspinal effects of spinal cord stimulation”

Doctor in de Medical Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Doctor in Biomedical Sciences at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Clinical, research and educational activities

Clinical projects

Research projects

Prof. Maarten Moens is currently involved and has been in involved in > 12 research projects

Educational projects

International educational projects

International congress organisation

Reviewer for medical journals

Prof. Maarten Moens has 50 scientific publications.